Show Notes
1988 d. Robert Bierman
We're back talking JR's pick + other stuff we watched, and some lite Oscar prediction discussion. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
1988 d. Robert Bierman
We're back talking JR's pick + other stuff we watched, and some lite Oscar prediction discussion. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
July 10, 2023
2001 d. Sean Penn We're back, talking Jon's pick (Our second Sean Penn-directed deep dive) as well as other stuff we watched including lots...
Episode 77
March 01, 2020
It's Jon's pick this week as we talk Timothy Carey's intentionally controversial midnight movie, *The World's Greatest Sinner*. We also talk lots of other...
Episode 18
December 29, 2017
It's our special end-of-the-year special! We're talking Jonathan's pick, John Carpenter's _Escape from New York_ as well as our best and worst films of...